Thursday, September 20, 2012

I'm feeling ultra emotional right now.  I went to bed last at at 7:45.  I cannot tell you how tired I was.  Just before I dropped into bed I bawled to 4 of my youngest children about how hard it is to get up at 4 in the morning to exercise and try to feel better and stay up until 11 at night doing their kitchen chores.  I laid it on pretty thick because that's how I felt.  I ended up causing my 7 and 9 year old girls to feel so bad that they begged (one of them through tears) to have me wake them up before I left to exercise so that they could clean the kitchen before school.  I slept solidly until about midnight and then I kept waking up every so often.  Bothersome.  When I woke up about 3:48 I decided to get up and see if I could work up (maybe down is more appropriate here) a good poo by drinking a quart of water and sitting still for a while.  Hey, I used to do it all of the time.  Didn't work so well today.  The plumbing is still backed up and I've had almost a half a gallon today.

....... I'm tired.  So, energy level today is         so very        that I want very much to crawl into bed and sleep
                                                              low,             low
the day away.  Hmmm...can't, I have a baby to take care of and, even though they made a very good elementary school effort (not really a good college try yet), the kitchen now looks like a disaster zone complete with a new batch of dirty breakfast dishes.  "Thanks for tryin' girls!"

I did have some positives among the constipation, emotional crises and endless work like...I was the "coach" this morning for exercise with the girls at the track.  I worked our butts least I worked MY butt off...and maybe K's but S, even though she's almost 5 mo prego is definitely in the best shape and has done yoga.  Me and yoga?...we are more like acquaintances than pals.  I can do a plank for about 20 seconds.  That's how far our relationship goes.  I do, however, plan to get to know yoga a bit more.  OH, and pilates.  Haven't been real great friends but that is going to change.  So I got a good workout AND I actually read my scriptures AND an inspiration talk from the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS or Mormons).  And I walked the two youngest school kids to school about a mile away.  And I watered our struggling lawn.  So I'm a little frustrated that I don't feel on top of the world today.

Food?  I'm still on the plan (no dairy, sugar, white flour).  I did succumb to two and a half homemade tortillas last night that didn't have all that much whole wheat.  Other than that I'm still spot on.  I need to focus on more veggies, though.  I think I'm backed up because I haven't been eating nearly as many veggies this week as I did when I first started.  Also my green drink has been absent this week since I ran out of greens.  I'll remedy that first chance I get because I NEEEEEDDDD my green drink!!!

I made some killer waffles yesterday morning.  No dairy, multi-grain, coconut oil.  I painted them with unsweetened almond butter and my homemade xylitol sweetened strawberry preserves.  I was in heaven.  I splurged and ate 3.  It's amazing to think that a person can over eat when there is so much off limits.

I feel okay overall.  I'm emotional, constipated, low energy and lacking motivation but I still feel that quiet sense of determination.  I won't quit this time.  Writing about it helps.  Knowing that my (0) followers are watching and waiting makes a difference as silly as that sounds.  So I'll keep pluggin' along, it can't stop for feeling sorry for yourself.

...and joy of joys!!  I feel a poo coming on!!!  Will miracles never cease?


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